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360-Year Historical Arts and Crafts for Mother's Day Gifts

The history of "Kutani Ware", a traditonal Japanese craftwork, dates back to 360 years ago.

It features line drawing with indigo blue ink named "Gosu" and painting with 5 colors collectively called "Gosai" (red, yellow, green, purple, dark blue). Its delicate tints and bold impressions it gives are admired worldwide as either art or craftwork.

In Japan, it is even officially approved as a national traditional craftwork as well as historic culture by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Kutani Ware Paired Wine Glasses

Kutani Ware Paired Wine Glasses

When hearing a term of "Kutani Ware", most people might think of flat plates or vases.

As it has been developing along with Pottery/Porcelain Culture, its variety has been expanding as well in the modern era. Among those, paired wine glasses are the best for Mother's Day gifts. They can be good for your parents to enjoy wine together in special occasions as well as even for single use. The beautiful colors in Kutani Ware will make your life more colorful and enrich your heart. You can express your gratitude or wish for your mother to live a happy life with this beautiful artistic Kutani Ware.

Elaborately Made Wine Glasses are Like Jewelries

Elaborately Made Wine Glasses Like Jewelries

As you can see from their gorgeous delicate paintings, they are individually handmade by professionals. The upper part is made of porcelain and the stem is made of metals attached by glue.

The powerful colors of Kutani Ware with gorgeous metal glaze give an impression of luxury and elegance.

The design in the pic is called "Hanazume Gold Floral", which is a representative Kutani painting with 5 colors and gold line around.

The design in the pics is called "Hanazume Gold Floral", which is a representative Kutani painting with 5 colors and gold lines around. This painting technique is said to have developed in Taisho Era in Japan, and it has been adored for its gorgeousness.

The wine glasses with full of colorful flowers will make your table look great. With moderate thickness, the rim will comfortably touch your lips. Preventing smell transfer is another advantage of these wine glasses.

Giving these paired wine glasses with traditional Kutani Hanazume painting to your mother, hopefully along with your favorite wine or birth year wine, would make her the happiest ever.

Giving these paired wine glasses with traditional Kutani Hanazume Painting on Mother's Day
