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A Temakizushi Wrapper for the Road

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The Temakizushi Wrapper You Never Knew You Needed

Placing temakizushi on wrapper

So as a rice appreciator, you've been making temakizushi following the instructions in our how-to guide, but you're disappointed by one small thing: soggy nori. The nori sticks to the rice, soaks up a bit of moisture while you're working or playing, and then you open your temakizushi and it's soft and droopy. It's still delicious, but you feel like the nori is letting your perfectly cooked rice down.

Well, friends, we're pleased to inform you that the good people at Seinichi have a solution to your seaweed problems: The Disposable Take-Out Temakizushi Wrapper.

Fresh, Crisp Temakizushi at the Top of the Mountain

Wrapped temakizushi

The Seinichi Temakizushi Wrapper allows you to wrap your delicious rice logs with your crispy, crackly nori, while preserving the nori's crisp deliciousness until you're ready to eat it. Convenience stores in Japan all have plastic wrappers like the Seinichi that keep their nori fresh until the customer is ready to eat it. If it works for 7/11, surely it will work for you.

Now, we will show you how you can maximize your temakizushi's freshness meter.

How to Use the Seinichi Temakizushi Wrapper

Make Temakizushi

Making temakizushi: Pickled plum filling Making temakizushi: Placing rice and filling on plastic wrap Making temakizushi: Rolling in plastic wrap Making temakizushi: Rolling in plastic wrap

If you don't know how to make temakizushi, check out our how-to guide for making those delicious, traditional Japanese ricedogs.

Slip the nori into the wrapper

Wrapper and nori on table Slipping in the nori Nori in wrapper

Wrap the temakizushi

Placing temakizushi on wrapped nori Rolling temakizushi in wrapped nori Wrapped temakizushi Close up of wrapped temakizushi

Wrap the temakizushi as you usually would when wrapping nori around your temakizushi. At this point, you're ready to sling that bad boy into a lunch box, or you could wrap it in a furoshiki to warn the mountaintop tengu you mean business.

Unwrap and peel open the wrapper

Peeling open the wrapper

Now that you're at the top of Mount Fuji, you're body cries out for carbs. It's time for the true wrapping of your temakizushi in the nori.

First, open the wrapper, with the temakizushi on one side. Next, peel open the wrapper down the middle where the green line is.

Wrap temakizushi in nori to complete temakizushi

Placing temakizushi on nori Wrapping temakizushi in nori Wrapped temakizushi

Now, simply wrap your temakizushi in the still crisp, fresh nori that your preserved in the wrapper.

Rice-maxing Has Never Been So Easy

Close up of wrapped temakizushi

Slinging ricedogs is strictly a rice-maxer's passion. If you're new to this rice journey, but you're willing to put in the work to absolutely perfect your rice game, don't forget to check out our articles on cleaning your rice to perfection, making rice in a cast iron rice maker, and finishing it in an ohitsu.

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